Tuesday, October 12, 2010

BonsaiAutumn 2010 #11 people and stuff

The number of vips increased much over last year. we saw people form propbably about 15 different nations.
last year i wrote that BonsaiAutumn has 'probably' arrived as on of the great conventions in Europe. This year it is clear to everybody that this is at lest number tow after Noelanders Trophy. And it is coming close and the speed seems increasing. By now it is a must for those with ambition to have a tree there and to be invited on stage eventually. This is the place to meet the Euroean bonsai world. The atmosphere is clearly more relaxed than we are used to. This is a convention that one dose not just visit for one day, but for the weekend.
I am sure that we will see and even better show next year. There is still lots of room for improvement though and we will work on it.
Plan for the weekend of October 8/9, 2011. We count on you!

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